I am participating in a heart swap, organised by the lovely noodle bubble from folksy (still struggling with my clickable link for some reason... I will get back to it!).
It is great to be stitching together something... not worrying about the time it takes, or the need to make multiples for sale. Saying that, it is the second one I made. The first heart went walking (via Harry, actually). And of course I found it once this was nearly complete. And then decided the other one was really rubbish... so heart prototype 2 for the swap. It will wing its way to Millie Rose.
I have used some of a beautiful traycloth I have been hoarding. It has some old embroidery, worn through in places, making a pretty abstract pattern. With red spots on the back, a blue patterned yo yo and vintage button, I am really pleased. It would be a great pincushion or sit happily on a shelf at home. It is filled with fibre and lavender.

I also tucked a peg doll into the package with a length of vintage cotton trim.
I really hope it is enjoyed. And look forward to my valentines' heart in the post!