Tuesday, 3 November 2009


This is Harry being a scary monster, clutching his ghosty lollipop. I found the idea here http://sycamorestirrings.blogspot.com/2009/10/lollipop-ghosts.html

Okay, I didn't get a chance for too many photos... but we had a brilliant time. 20 children plus parents in the house, lots of food and mulled wine. Then a quick walk throught the underpass and the spooky church and 2 doors to knock on for Trick or Treating.

Everyone bought stuff along, the kids successfully sat down to eat on the lounge floor and we were all happy! Thanks to everyone for the food and bits and expecially Dawn for the fantastic soup and help clearing at the end.

It was a great fun evening, and not spoilt by the muppets who lobbed an egg at our group of toddlers as we walked along. mmmm. They were reported quickly my our friendly local police officer (also in the group!)

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