Tuesday, 8 September 2009

I have had a mad few days.

The Local Baby Show at Alban Arena went really well. I had heaps of interest and lots of purchases... enought to make it worthwile. I printed off flyers with a yummy Blackberry Cake recipe and also Local places for Families to visit... and they were all snatched up. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that people remember my site for gifts in the future.

The stall was resplendent with a HUGE banner I made (hanging on a wooden frame made by Keith and his Dad). We were all up until 2am getting ready for the day. Thanks you so much to my lovely hubby.

Now I have just checked folksy, to see that I am a Featured Seller whoo hoo! This is very exciting for me. They have chosen my fabric buckets to show as the main 2 photos and I have had a lot of interest in them... and a couple have sold already. This picture is one still in stock.

I am really pleased.

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